When they got me into the Operating Room I was still a bit upset about the C-Section. I had calmed down a little when Christopher sat down next to my head. My attention turned more towards how he was going to be than the fact that they were going to cut me open in just a few minutes. Christopher has never been good with needles or blood I really did not know how he was going to react if he somehow saw the baby coming out of my stomach. We started talking out what to do if Christopher passed out. Considering that he had a hard enough time when they gave him a shot so that they could do his MRI. For some reason that got my mind off what was going on and I think that I had finally come to terms with the C-Section and actually started to get excited knowing that soon I was going to find out if we had a daughter or a son.
We sat there for what seemed like an eternity and I could hear the doctors talking and putting their gloves on. I looked over at Christopher and he said "I think they are in". I said "No I think they are still prepping". We sat there for another... I do not know how long and it was really quite. I do not remember hearing anything and I was wondering what was going on. Then I heard someone say "would you like to see your daughter?" and they showed the baby to us but all I could see was the head because Christopher was in the way. I did not even know they had taken the baby out I was still under the impression that they were still prepping. I looked at Christopher and said "What did they say?" and he looked at me and said "Its a Girl". I shook my head and said "No really what did they say?" He smiled and said "Hunny it's a GIRL!" I was in shock I could not believe it. I was so sure we were having a boy. I knew it was a boy it was my mothers intuition. Guess I can not lean on that anymore. At that point it finally hit me. I started smiling and I could not stop. They cleaned her up and handed her to Christopher and for the first time since we were teenagers I saw Christopher cry. It was not a huge crying fit, but just a few a few happy tears at the sight of his daughter. He showed her to me and all I remember saying is "Our little Kadence". For a while we just sat there (well I laid there) and stared at our new little daughter, and not a moment later she had put her little tiny thumb in her mouth and was sucking on it. Well there was no doubt at that point that she was my daughter. Like mother like daughter.
It all came back to me suddenly. I was laying on a table and the doctors were getting everything closed up and situated and I started to get a little impatient. I could feel something but I do not know what it was. It was something that was very uncomfortable and I remember thinking I wish they would hurry up and get done so I could go back to the room and get some rest. They worked for what seemed like another eternity and then they were finally done and they moved me back to the bed and placed my daughter in my arms and allowed me to carry her as they wheeled me back to the labor and delivery room #3. As we got to the door I heard my mom asking Christopher what the baby was. If you know my husband this will come as no show to you but he said "it's a baby". My mom said yes we know but what was it and again he said "it's a baby". I assume my mom gave him a mean look since his next statement was "you'll have to ask your daughter." When I got situated in the room my family came in my mom first of course and she said "Well?" and I said "Look mom she is sucking her thumb". My mom said "Ya and..." and I looked at her and said "Mom SHE is sucking her thumb" at that point my mom got it and said "Wait did you say SHE?" and I said "Yes I did". My mom was so excited and then when my dad came in she told him about his granddaughter.
I think it came as a shock to all of us since she was now the first granddaughter on both Christopher's side and my side. At this point it was like 1:30AM and Christopher was on his phone calling his mom. I told him not to call her since she had to get up at 5AM to go to work and I did not want her to be tired, but he said that she would kill him if he did not call. So he called his mom and said "Are you ready to go broke?" remember the comment she had made much earlier in the pregnancy. I could not hear much from where I was on the bed but I knew when she had gone in and told Ashlee because I could hear her screaming all the way through the phone and into the room. For the next couple of hours while we just chilled in the room. Christopher was texting people and I was telling him to stop since it was quite early in the morning. Finally around 3:30 in the morning they had us grab all our stuff and Kadence got to take her first ride in an elevator as they took us up to our room that would be our home for the next 4 days. (Room 228) I think it was about 4AM when both Christopher and I finally went to sleep.