I can not believe that it has been one month since Kadence "Baby Fry" was born. She is so cute and so lovable. She only cries when she is hungry or sleepy. I am trying to nurse her but it seems that I may not have enough to give since she is waking up every hour and a half wanting more food. In the hospital the doctor gave us some formula and some tubing to try and supplement her food. (I wont go into any details about the tubing but Im sure if you are a mom you would know) She is to smart for her own good though. She knows that the formula is coming from the tubing and just turns her head to get the formula. I am not sure how long I will be able to nurse her with things going the way they are right now. The doctor said that formula isnt as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Sure the nursing is best and it has a lot more stuff in it that babies need, but formula is ok as well. I mean some women can not nurse and so they use formula and their babies turn out just fine. I think that I may start giving her more formula so that she will sleep longer, and so can I. The doctor said that maybe if I get some rest then I could start producing more food. We will see how this goes.
Christopher has gone back to work and so I am home for some time with just me and Baby Fry. I am loving maternity leave. I am so glad that I get paid just to stay at home and bond with my daughter. I mean its only 66% of my regular pay, but at this point Id rather be home with my baby than sitting at a desk thinking about her and being sad that I am not with her while I am at work. Baby Fry is so cute. She is starting to smile a little bit more. Especially when Christopher comes home from work. She is turning out to be a little Daddies Girl which I pretty much thought she would be from day one. She can be crying her eyes out and not wanting to lay down and as soon as Christopher picks her up she is like "ok I am good" and stops crying. Wow I am kind of jealous.
I am starting to learn all her little quirks and ques... I can tell when she is hungry vs when she is tired and I think that I am starting to see a little bit of her personality. She seems to be very calm and quite (again when she is not tried or hungry) and loves music. We have a mobile above her bed and when it is playing she just chills there and looks up to where the music is coming from. I have even noticed that music can calm her down when she is upset. Thanks to my sister in law Sara who gave us a really cool nursery music CD I am able to get her to calm down before handing her off to Christopher.
I can not believe that I am this little girls mom. I still have a hard time with that word.... MOM... its like wow am I really someones mom. I am responsible for this little person, and this little person trusts me to show her what is right and what is wrong. If I miss teaching her just one little thing she could be messed up for life. That would be so hard to deal with knowing that it would be my fault that I did not teach her everything that she needed to know. I know that even if you do teach your kid everything that they could still end up messed up, but I think that as the child's parent you have a tenancy to feel like its your fault. Ok enough of that I am not going to let my child get messed up. I am going to raise her right to the best of my abilities and know that everything will turn out as it should.