OK so Baby Fry is now 2 months old. She is getting so big so fast. I can not believe how much she has changed since she was born. She had her two month doctors check up and she is now 10lbs 7 oz. A long was from the 7lbs 0oz that she was when she was born. She is now 24 inches long and getting taller every day I swear. She had some shots that Christopher said she did not like but she only cried for a moment until he picked her up and then she stopped. (Sadly I was back to work at this time and could not get this day off to go to the doctors appointment with them. I will never miss another appointment I promise) Christopher texted me with all the details of the doctors appointment and when I got off work I could not wait to see my daughter. Trust me going back to work was VERY HARD and that is stating it lightly. The first week I had to hide at my desk which luckily was in the back corner and I did not have anyone who sat next to me and the girl who sat across from me was out on short term leave so I was almost alone so no one could see me almost crying.
The one thing that made me a slight bit mad was that after I got off work I got in the car and Christopher went into work. I had stopped at Wal-Mart to get a few things that we needed for the baby and I come across a paper in the back of the car. This paper is a referral for my daughter to see a cardiologist. It states that she has a heart murmur. At this point I freaked out and started texting Christopher even though I knew he was busy at work. I could not believe that he did not tell me about this before now. When I finally got a response from him he said that it was not that big of a deal. I was not so sure about that. He said that the doctor said that he heard a small heart murmur and that he wanted us to have it checked out. The doctor had also said that a lot of babies have heart murmurs and they usually grow out of them. It also said that she has dyplastic ears. If you look at her ears they are connected a little further back then your usual ears and the one is kind of squished. When we were in the hospital they did notice it and they immediately checked her hearing and she passed with flying colors. They said she can hear so its just the outside cosmetic that is a little off. The doctor wants to know if somehow the heart murmur is somehow connected with her ears. I guess we shall have to set up an appointment with the cardiologist and see how that goes. I hope that this heart murmur is something that she will grow out of. I know some other people who have heart murmurs and they live with them and do not have to many problems but I want the best for my daughter as I am sure all moms do. Christopher also promised me that he would tell me everything from now on, but at this point I am going to make sure that I go to the doctors appointments just so I know all of what is going on for myself. Not that I do not trust my husband but well lets just say the track record for important information communicated does not speak in his favor at this point. I do still love him do not get me wrong I am just going to make sure we get everything checked out that we need to.
I am starting to get use to people calling me mom and Christopher dad. We had our first Mothers Day and Fathers day and it was so cool to be able to say yes I am someones mom and to finally understand the whole thing behind those days. I have enjoyed the last 2 months so much with my new family. Christopher is becoming an awesome dad he takes such good care of his daughter and such good care of me. I think that he has become a much more understanding husband as well. He is working more to make sure that my needs are met as well as his own. Its funny, I have seen a side of him that I have never seen before and I did not know was in there, but I love it and I love him and I am so happy that we have a cute new family.