So today is "Baby Fry's" 4th Month Birthday. She is getting so big. She can now find her tongue and her toes when you ask her to find them. I can not believe it has been 4 months since she was born.
Christopher and I just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. I cant believe its been that long since we got married either. It was our first wedding anniversary with a child so we really didn't do much of anything. I am so excited to have our lovely family and can not wait to have more kids to make our family grow.
"Baby Fry" loves to talk and tell stories. Most of the time its just d d d d or b b b b but we love sitting in our room at night listening to her on the baby monitor. Sadly I am thinking to my self this means that she is going to start talking back to us just like all the other kids do. Wow I cant wait for that. Anyway, I love seeing her smile when I walk in her room in the mornings. Its odd though when I walk into her room she always seems to be in a different position that I put her in. It started with just facing a different direction and then one night I found her completely upside down with the blanket over her head. Not sure but I think she does donuts in her crib at night just to give mommy a little laugh when I go to get her in the morning.
I am starting to go through all of her clothes that are getting to small and putting them in a drawer for the next little girl I have. She is still wearing some 0-3 month outfits but the pants on them are getting a little short. She is going to be a tall girl or so the doctor keeps saying. Her cute dresses now look a little more like long shirts but I guess that is what you get coming from the Pehrson side of the family. My dad and all his brothers are tall. Even his sister is tall, and most of them have tall kids. I think I am one of the shortest people out of all the cousins. Anyway, the drawer of to small clothes is getting to full to fast and I am realizing that some of the outfits she has only worn a few times. I guess that is what I get for going crazy and buying so many cute outfits for her.
Her 4 month check up was good. She is now 12lbs 3oz and 25 1/4 inches. The doctor said she is 75% for height and 35% for weight. She is a little low on weight but he said it is nothing to be worried about. We had an appointment with the cardiologist about her heart murmur and he said that if there was one it was very faint and he couldn't even hear it. It was sad to see her hooked up to all the wires and stuff that it took just for him to tell us that everything was ok, but I was very relieved to hear that she was a healthy little girl. The regular doctor also listened again and said that he couldn't hear it at all. So now we are past that and he said that he will see her again on her 6 month check up. So I guess all is well and we are doing something right. "Baby Fry" is turning out to be a happy and healthy little girl.