"Baby Fry" is now 5 months old. Where did that last month go. I swear it was just a few days ago that I was on here writing about her 4 month birthday. She has no started "Filling Out" I guess you could say. Her head no longer looks like this tiny little thing on a big body. Its cute she is getting her little chubby pinchable cheeks, and her legs are getting chubby. Not huge or anything like that just making her body a little more proportionate. She is smiling a lot and making a lot of cooing and ohhing noises.
I weighed her and measured her today and she is 13lbs 0oz and 25 1/2 inches long. She just keeps growing and growing and growing. I guess that is what she is suppose to do. We have had a lot of fun playing with her and teaching her new things. She is know starting to roll over from her back to her front. Now getting from her front to hear back is another story. Her darn arms keep getting in the way. I am sure she will get it soon and then we are all out of luck. She is going to be crawling and walking before we can even blink.
Nothing much has really happened with our family this last month. I can not help to think that around this time last year is when I took the first pregnancy test that said yes you are pregnant. And now here she is 5 months old and growing more everyday. Sometimes I miss being pregnant. I see other people who are pregnant and they have the cute baby bump tummies and I sometimes wish that I was pregnant too. Not that I want to still be pregnant but that I wish I was pregnant again. Am I weird to think this? I enjoyed being pregnant and I loved feeling all the kicks and the punches. Well I guess now the topic of discussion is when to start trying to have another kid. I will let you know how that goes when we get there.