6 months... can you believe it?? "Baby Fry" is 6 months old. Its not possible I wont believe it. She is 1/2 way to a year. Soon she will be going off to school and not needing her mommy anymore. OK so I am getting ahead of myself. She is still Mommy's little girl, but I think that she is more of a Daddy's girl she seems to love her daddy so much and she has got him wrapped around her little finger. I think that Christopher would do just about anything... no I take that back he would do anything for this cutie patootie little girl. The other day I walked into her room and found her peeking through the bars on her crib as seen in the first picture here. She has now learned how to get up on her knees she will be crawling any day now I am sure of it.
We started "Baby Fry" on real food. Well actually its baby food but it was her first solid food. She has now had Sweet Potato's, Green Peas, Apple Sauce, Banana's, Carrots, and Pears. She seems to love everything that we have fed to her so far. Not one of them has she made a face or even looked like she was going to spit it out. I can not wait to get some of the other foods and see what she likes and what she doesn't like. Will she like fish? or hate it like me? Will she be like her father and like pretty much anything that is put in front of her. This is one of the things that I like about her growing up. I get to experience all these firsts with her. I mean she has never ate any of these thing before. Heck she has never even seen a spoon before. What must it be like to see everything for the first time??
We had our 6 month check up and of course she had to get more shots. She is usually ok with them. She cries while they give them to her and then after you pick her up for a minute or 2 she is fine. She is now 14lbs 5ox and 26 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she is still 75% for height and now 25% for weight. She actually went down in % for weight. The doctor asked if we were on solid foods and I said yes just barely and he said that once she is on it for a while she will be ok with the weight. I guess that is good I mean I don't want to over feed her but I want to make sure that I am feeding her the right amount so she doesn't go hungry. I guess if she continues to cry and fuss after I feed her she might still be hungry. I hope I get the hang of this mommy thing soon so I can provide the best care for my daughter. The doctor gave us a cute little book and she is loving looking at the pictures. She now likes to point at all the babies on the pages and can point to them when you ask her where the babies are. She is such a cute little itty bitty.