Ok, so its Christmas Eve and Baby Fry is 8 months old today. She is getting so big and I can not believe all the things that she can now do. Seen here in the picture she is playing with the R2-D2 that we purchased for our white elephant Christmas party with the family tonight. She can now scoot herself over to anything that she wants. I couldn't believe it when I came home form work one day and set her on the floor. Normally she just rolls until she gets to whatever it is she wants but this day I turned to see her half scooting half crawling over to get her new toy that we had just gotten for her. I have a feeling she is going to start crawling soon, and then we are going to be in some big trouble. We will have to start baby proofing the house and all that kind of stuff.
Baby Frys first Thanksgiving was awesome. I think she her more to eat from our plates than she should have but what can you expect when she is so cute and she looks at you with those little puppy dog eyes and its like I want some of that and you just have to give it to her. I think she most enjoyed the mashed potatoes and yams that she got considering that it was she would try to reach for when you held her anywhere near the table. She also liked the pumpkin pie and the Banana Cream pie that everyone was giving her. We had lunch at my families and then dinner with Christopher's family. It was a lot of food but it was all so good. She got to wear here cute little onesie that says Baby's First Thanksgiving. It was so cute with a little turkey on it. Everyone loved it.
Christmas is coming tomorrow and I can not wait to see Baby Frys face as she gets to open presents and play with them and what not. I mean she is only 8 months old so she probably doesn't know what is going on but it is going to be a lot of fun. I think I should probably finish wrapping all of her presents that I got her before the night is over. I couldn't help it there is just way to much cute stuff for little baby girls. (and boys I am sure) Maybe just babies in general. I mean I go down the toy isle and its like a whole row is dedicated to baby toys for kids up to 12 months, and that is just one isle. Mostly I just got her some books and some toys. I also got her some headbands and flowers/bows (my new addiction) and that's about it. I am sure she is going to get spoiled by all her grandparents and aunts and uncles so I didn't get her to much. (HAHAHA what a funny I just told) Well just wanted to update this blog so everyone can see how big Baby Fry is getting and read all about what she is up to. Now I have to go and wrap the rest of her presents so she can open them tomorrow.