Thursday, December 24, 2009

8 Month Birthday

Ok, so its Christmas Eve and Baby Fry is 8 months old today. She is getting so big and I can not believe all the things that she can now do. Seen here in the picture she is playing with the R2-D2 that we purchased for our white elephant Christmas party with the family tonight. She can now scoot herself over to anything that she wants. I couldn't believe it when I came home form work one day and set her on the floor. Normally she just rolls until she gets to whatever it is she wants but this day I turned to see her half scooting half crawling over to get her new toy that we had just gotten for her. I have a feeling she is going to start crawling soon, and then we are going to be in some big trouble. We will have to start baby proofing the house and all that kind of stuff.

Baby Frys first Thanksgiving was awesome. I think she her more to eat from our plates than she should have but what can you expect when she is so cute and she looks at you with those little puppy dog eyes and its like I want some of that and you just have to give it to her. I think she most enjoyed the mashed potatoes and yams that she got considering that it was she would try to reach for when you held her anywhere near the table. She also liked the pumpkin pie and the Banana Cream pie that everyone was giving her. We had lunch at my families and then dinner with Christopher's family. It was a lot of food but it was all so good. She got to wear here cute little onesie that says Baby's First Thanksgiving. It was so cute with a little turkey on it. Everyone loved it.

Christmas is coming tomorrow and I can not wait to see Baby Frys face as she gets to open presents and play with them and what not. I mean she is only 8 months old so she probably doesn't know what is going on but it is going to be a lot of fun. I think I should probably finish wrapping all of her presents that I got her before the night is over. I couldn't help it there is just way to much cute stuff for little baby girls. (and boys I am sure) Maybe just babies in general. I mean I go down the toy isle and its like a whole row is dedicated to baby toys for kids up to 12 months, and that is just one isle. Mostly I just got her some books and some toys. I also got her some headbands and flowers/bows (my new addiction) and that's about it. I am sure she is going to get spoiled by all her grandparents and aunts and uncles so I didn't get her to much. (HAHAHA what a funny I just told) Well just wanted to update this blog so everyone can see how big Baby Fry is getting and read all about what she is up to. Now I have to go and wrap the rest of her presents so she can open them tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

7 Month Birthday

So "Baby Fry" is now 7 months old and she has had a few firsts this last month. First was her first Halloween. As you can see from the pictures she had 2 costumes. The Share Bear Care Bear outfit she got from my friend at one of my baby showers. It looked so big when I got it that I assumed that she wouldn't be able to wear it until next year Halloween so I put it in the closet and in the mean time I was looking for a Halloween costume that she could wear this year. I found this cute Giraffe outfit one day while I was shopping. I don't know what it is but "Baby Fry" has a thing for Giraffe's. She just loves them. So I ended up buying the outfit and planning for her to wear it come Halloween. Well when I got home and was putting the Giraffe costume in her closet I looked at the Care Bear one which now did not look so big and come to find out it was just the right size for this Halloween. So now I had 2 costumes and 1 day to wear them. It worked out ok though. She ended up wearing the Care Bear costume to the ward Trunk or Treat party, and then wore the Giraffe costume on Halloween night. It was our first Halloween in our new house and I wasn't sure how many people were going to come by so I got some extra candy just in case. I am glad that I did. I think I went through two bags of candy when they kids came to the door. I took "Baby Fry" with me and everyone loved her cute Giraffe outfit. They were all talking to me about it the next day in church it was such a good time.

Second was "Baby Fry" got her first 2 teeth. Her first one came in on Oct 30th, 2009 and the second one came in on Nov 2nd 2009. After a very long night of screaming and crying and walking with the baby and trying to get her to sleep we realized what was going on. We bought some baby orajel and that didn't work to well. They make it Cherry flavored so she just licked it off and then it did not work to help ease her pain when the tooth was coming through. She now has the two middle teeth on the bottom and she loves to stick her tongue on them and feel them. The sad thing is that she has bit her lip quite a few times now since she doesn't know what to do with her teeth. I try to help her out, but she does it when I am not looking. Well I guess she will learn from it.

We are looking forward to "Baby Fry's" first Thanksgiving tomorrow. There are some of my cousins that have not even seen her yet and she is getting so big they need to see her. I am excited to spend some time with my family. I just wish my sister Courtney, hubby Anthony and Nephew Lance could be here. It just wont be the same with out them. Well maybe I will get to see them some time soon. "Baby Fry" can not wait to see them either.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

6 Month Birthday

6 months... can you believe it?? "Baby Fry" is 6 months old. Its not possible I wont believe it. She is 1/2 way to a year. Soon she will be going off to school and not needing her mommy anymore. OK so I am getting ahead of myself. She is still Mommy's little girl, but I think that she is more of a Daddy's girl she seems to love her daddy so much and she has got him wrapped around her little finger. I think that Christopher would do just about anything... no I take that back he would do anything for this cutie patootie little girl. The other day I walked into her room and found her peeking through the bars on her crib as seen in the first picture here. She has now learned how to get up on her knees she will be crawling any day now I am sure of it.

We started "Baby Fry" on real food. Well actually its baby food but it was her first solid food. She has now had Sweet Potato's, Green Peas, Apple Sauce, Banana's, Carrots, and Pears. She seems to love everything that we have fed to her so far. Not one of them has she made a face or even looked like she was going to spit it out. I can not wait to get some of the other foods and see what she likes and what she doesn't like. Will she like fish? or hate it like me? Will she be like her father and like pretty much anything that is put in front of her. This is one of the things that I like about her growing up. I get to experience all these firsts with her. I mean she has never ate any of these thing before. Heck she has never even seen a spoon before. What must it be like to see everything for the first time??

We had our 6 month check up and of course she had to get more shots. She is usually ok with them. She cries while they give them to her and then after you pick her up for a minute or 2 she is fine. She is now 14lbs 5ox and 26 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she is still 75% for height and now 25% for weight. She actually went down in % for weight. The doctor asked if we were on solid foods and I said yes just barely and he said that once she is on it for a while she will be ok with the weight. I guess that is good I mean I don't want to over feed her but I want to make sure that I am feeding her the right amount so she doesn't go hungry. I guess if she continues to cry and fuss after I feed her she might still be hungry. I hope I get the hang of this mommy thing soon so I can provide the best care for my daughter. The doctor gave us a cute little book and she is loving looking at the pictures. She now likes to point at all the babies on the pages and can point to them when you ask her where the babies are. She is such a cute little itty bitty.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

5 Month Birthday

"Baby Fry" is now 5 months old. Where did that last month go. I swear it was just a few days ago that I was on here writing about her 4 month birthday. She has no started "Filling Out" I guess you could say. Her head no longer looks like this tiny little thing on a big body. Its cute she is getting her little chubby pinchable cheeks, and her legs are getting chubby. Not huge or anything like that just making her body a little more proportionate. She is smiling a lot and making a lot of cooing and ohhing noises.

I weighed her and measured her today and she is 13lbs 0oz and 25 1/2 inches long. She just keeps growing and growing and growing. I guess that is what she is suppose to do. We have had a lot of fun playing with her and teaching her new things. She is know starting to roll over from her back to her front. Now getting from her front to hear back is another story. Her darn arms keep getting in the way. I am sure she will get it soon and then we are all out of luck. She is going to be crawling and walking before we can even blink.

Nothing much has really happened with our family this last month. I can not help to think that around this time last year is when I took the first pregnancy test that said yes you are pregnant. And now here she is 5 months old and growing more everyday. Sometimes I miss being pregnant. I see other people who are pregnant and they have the cute baby bump tummies and I sometimes wish that I was pregnant too. Not that I want to still be pregnant but that I wish I was pregnant again. Am I weird to think this? I enjoyed being pregnant and I loved feeling all the kicks and the punches. Well I guess now the topic of discussion is when to start trying to have another kid. I will let you know how that goes when we get there.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Four Month Birthday

So today is "Baby Fry's" 4th Month Birthday. She is getting so big. She can now find her tongue and her toes when you ask her to find them. I can not believe it has been 4 months since she was born.

Christopher and I just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. I cant believe its been that long since we got married either. It was our first wedding anniversary with a child so we really didn't do much of anything. I am so excited to have our lovely family and can not wait to have more kids to make our family grow.

"Baby Fry" loves to talk and tell stories. Most of the time its just d d d d or b b b b but we love sitting in our room at night listening to her on the baby monitor. Sadly I am thinking to my self this means that she is going to start talking back to us just like all the other kids do. Wow I cant wait for that. Anyway, I love seeing her smile when I walk in her room in the mornings. Its odd though when I walk into her room she always seems to be in a different position that I put her in. It started with just facing a different direction and then one night I found her completely upside down with the blanket over her head. Not sure but I think she does donuts in her crib at night just to give mommy a little laugh when I go to get her in the morning.

I am starting to go through all of her clothes that are getting to small and putting them in a drawer for the next little girl I have. She is still wearing some 0-3 month outfits but the pants on them are getting a little short. She is going to be a tall girl or so the doctor keeps saying. Her cute dresses now look a little more like long shirts but I guess that is what you get coming from the Pehrson side of the family. My dad and all his brothers are tall. Even his sister is tall, and most of them have tall kids. I think I am one of the shortest people out of all the cousins. Anyway, the drawer of to small clothes is getting to full to fast and I am realizing that some of the outfits she has only worn a few times. I guess that is what I get for going crazy and buying so many cute outfits for her.

Her 4 month check up was good. She is now 12lbs 3oz and 25 1/4 inches. The doctor said she is 75% for height and 35% for weight. She is a little low on weight but he said it is nothing to be worried about. We had an appointment with the cardiologist about her heart murmur and he said that if there was one it was very faint and he couldn't even hear it. It was sad to see her hooked up to all the wires and stuff that it took just for him to tell us that everything was ok, but I was very relieved to hear that she was a healthy little girl. The regular doctor also listened again and said that he couldn't hear it at all. So now we are past that and he said that he will see her again on her 6 month check up. So I guess all is well and we are doing something right. "Baby Fry" is turning out to be a happy and healthy little girl.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Three Month Birthday!

So today is the 24th of July, Pioneer Day. It is also Baby Fry's 3 month birthday. Again she is getting bigger and bigger with every passing month. This month we celebrated my birthday on the 2nd as well as the 4th of July. We took Baby Fry to Murray park to see the fireworks on the 4th of July and she loved them. Most of them she just liked the bright lights but the ones that were really loud and made lots of crackling noises she just stared and smiled at them. She is going to be a girl who is not scared of anything. We got her a glow stick thingy that connects into a circle. It is red, blue and green and she loves it. She just sat there holding onto it and of course tried to eat it. She i getting to that stage where everything goes straight into her mouth.

We do not have a doctors appointment until 4 months old so in measuring her and weighing her myself I have her at 24 3/4 inches and 11lbs 4 oz. I can not believe how much she is growing each month. I have made a point to make sure that I measure her every month with or with out a doctors appointment. I have a cute little baby book that I write it all down in. It also has things like the date of her first smile and other firsts that I am looking forward to writing down so that she can look at it when she is older and show her kids and compare.

Everyone says that Baby Fry is a good mixture of both me and Christopher. She is starting to get more hair now and her eyes are changing. Its looking like she is going to have brown hair and either green eyes or brown eyes. Maybe hazel, we are not to sure. I have green and Christopher has brown so I guess hazel is a good midpoint. It just depends on what she is wearing. If it is something brown then her eyes look brown but if it is something green they look more green. Christopher says that she will have cameleon eyes where they change colors. I am not to sure about that, but who knows.

Tonight we lit off some fireworks in honor of Baby Fry's 3 month birthday as well as the 24th of July. The package that I got was pretty much all fountains but that was OK because Baby Fry loved them as much as I could tell. She did not really change the expression on her face but when they had bright lights or loud crackling noises she stared at them until they went out. I have some video of them but I need to edit it before I put it up anywhere. All I can say is that we have the cutest daughter every and no other baby will ever be as cute as Baby Fry!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two Month Birtday!

OK so Baby Fry is now 2 months old. She is getting so big so fast. I can not believe how much she has changed since she was born. She had her two month doctors check up and she is now 10lbs 7 oz. A long was from the 7lbs 0oz that she was when she was born. She is now 24 inches long and getting taller every day I swear. She had some shots that Christopher said she did not like but she only cried for a moment until he picked her up and then she stopped. (Sadly I was back to work at this time and could not get this day off to go to the doctors appointment with them. I will never miss another appointment I promise) Christopher texted me with all the details of the doctors appointment and when I got off work I could not wait to see my daughter. Trust me going back to work was VERY HARD and that is stating it lightly. The first week I had to hide at my desk which luckily was in the back corner and I did not have anyone who sat next to me and the girl who sat across from me was out on short term leave so I was almost alone so no one could see me almost crying.

The one thing that made me a slight bit mad was that after I got off work I got in the car and Christopher went into work. I had stopped at Wal-Mart to get a few things that we needed for the baby and I come across a paper in the back of the car. This paper is a referral for my daughter to see a cardiologist. It states that she has a heart murmur. At this point I freaked out and started texting Christopher even though I knew he was busy at work. I could not believe that he did not tell me about this before now. When I finally got a response from him he said that it was not that big of a deal. I was not so sure about that. He said that the doctor said that he heard a small heart murmur and that he wanted us to have it checked out. The doctor had also said that a lot of babies have heart murmurs and they usually grow out of them. It also said that she has dyplastic ears. If you look at her ears they are connected a little further back then your usual ears and the one is kind of squished. When we were in the hospital they did notice it and they immediately checked her hearing and she passed with flying colors. They said she can hear so its just the outside cosmetic that is a little off. The doctor wants to know if somehow the heart murmur is somehow connected with her ears. I guess we shall have to set up an appointment with the cardiologist and see how that goes. I hope that this heart murmur is something that she will grow out of. I know some other people who have heart murmurs and they live with them and do not have to many problems but I want the best for my daughter as I am sure all moms do. Christopher also promised me that he would tell me everything from now on, but at this point I am going to make sure that I go to the doctors appointments just so I know all of what is going on for myself. Not that I do not trust my husband but well lets just say the track record for important information communicated does not speak in his favor at this point. I do still love him do not get me wrong I am just going to make sure we get everything checked out that we need to.

I am starting to get use to people calling me mom and Christopher dad. We had our first Mothers Day and Fathers day and it was so cool to be able to say yes I am someones mom and to finally understand the whole thing behind those days. I have enjoyed the last 2 months so much with my new family. Christopher is becoming an awesome dad he takes such good care of his daughter and such good care of me. I think that he has become a much more understanding husband as well. He is working more to make sure that my needs are met as well as his own. Its funny, I have seen a side of him that I have never seen before and I did not know was in there, but I love it and I love him and I am so happy that we have a cute new family.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Blessing

Today was Baby Fry's baby blessing. Of course we did not say Baby Fry in the blessing, but its a name that she has gotten stuck with since before she was born. (and a name I am sure I will use a lot in any blog about her) It was a nice Sunday morning starting with my mom coming over to get the potatoes in the over for the after church get together at my house to let everyone see Baby Fry. We put her in the little pink dress that her grandma Clyda gave us while we were in the hospital. She looks so cute and the dress is a little big on her but that is what makes it look so cute. I met some of my husbands family along with my mom at Church and they went to class with us. It was fun introducing them in Relief Society and I am sure that they loved everyone looking at them. Just before sacrament meeting we took Baby Fry over to the mothers room and I met my friend Tara in the foyer. She agreed to help get Baby Fry dressed and do my hair was well. She is such a good friend I love her so much. We changed Baby Fry into her blessing dress which I think went something like 3 feet past where her feet were. (I may be exaggerating a little bit but it was long which is fine because that is what I asked for and grandma Clyda got it for her) I had gotten her some cute little white satin shoes that tied with little bows. Yes I know you could not see them under her dress, but trust me they were cute. We also had a really cute white 3 inch crochet headband with a big white bow on it for her head. She was so cute all in white. She looked like a little angel. To be honest she is a little Angel.

Christopher gave her the best blessing I could ever imagine. The funny part was afterwards he told me that the blanket that I had given him to take with her when he blessed her mixed with the silkiness of her dress caused her to slide from his hands while he was saying the blessing. Good thing our friend Clayton was there to catch her little bum and hold her in place until Christopher finished. It was ok though. It was a cute white crochet blanket with a lavender ribbon around the edges that I got from Lisa our friend at work, and it looked cute with her outfit so its all good. After that we had testimony meeting and of course Christopher and I stood up to bear our testimonies and of course I cried though mine. (I blame it on the after pregnancy thing) Christopher's mom got up and gave an awesome testimony, and then there was Christopher's grandpa. All I can say is how embarrassing I think he took up the last half of sacrament rambling on about I do not even know what. Lets not dwell on that though there are better things to talk about.

After church everyone and I mean everyone came over to our house. I did not realize how many people were going to come over. I mean my house is new and it was the first get together I have ever had in it so I did not know what it was going to be like. I realized at one point that we did not have a kitchen table and chairs so people were sitting on the floor and on the stairs in the back yard. I apologize profusely to everyone who was a little annoyed by that. We had a baked potato bar with chili, sour cream, cheese, multiple different salads and multiple desserts along with pink lemonade to drink. There was just the right amount of food for the amount of people that were there. (with a little finagling of the potatoes) I think there was 6 brownies left after everyone had gone home.

It was so nice that all these friends and family members came to support my family and welcome little Baby Fry into our family. Christopher and I thank them all for coming and for everything that they have done for us. I want to especially thank my family, Christopher's family, Tara and her family and Leslie and her family for all their help with getting this whole shindig together and kept it running while I socialized with my family and showed off my new little daughter. I am so glad that she is here and I would not give her up for the world. Mommy and Daddy love you Kadence and we are so glad that you have joined our family!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

One Month Birthday!

I can not believe that it has been one month since Kadence "Baby Fry" was born. She is so cute and so lovable. She only cries when she is hungry or sleepy. I am trying to nurse her but it seems that I may not have enough to give since she is waking up every hour and a half wanting more food. In the hospital the doctor gave us some formula and some tubing to try and supplement her food. (I wont go into any details about the tubing but Im sure if you are a mom you would know) She is to smart for her own good though. She knows that the formula is coming from the tubing and just turns her head to get the formula. I am not sure how long I will be able to nurse her with things going the way they are right now. The doctor said that formula isnt as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Sure the nursing is best and it has a lot more stuff in it that babies need, but formula is ok as well. I mean some women can not nurse and so they use formula and their babies turn out just fine. I think that I may start giving her more formula so that she will sleep longer, and so can I. The doctor said that maybe if I get some rest then I could start producing more food. We will see how this goes.

Christopher has gone back to work and so I am home for some time with just me and Baby Fry. I am loving maternity leave. I am so glad that I get paid just to stay at home and bond with my daughter. I mean its only 66% of my regular pay, but at this point Id rather be home with my baby than sitting at a desk thinking about her and being sad that I am not with her while I am at work. Baby Fry is so cute. She is starting to smile a little bit more. Especially when Christopher comes home from work. She is turning out to be a little Daddies Girl which I pretty much thought she would be from day one. She can be crying her eyes out and not wanting to lay down and as soon as Christopher picks her up she is like "ok I am good" and stops crying. Wow I am kind of jealous.

I am starting to learn all her little quirks and ques... I can tell when she is hungry vs when she is tired and I think that I am starting to see a little bit of her personality. She seems to be very calm and quite (again when she is not tried or hungry) and loves music. We have a mobile above her bed and when it is playing she just chills there and looks up to where the music is coming from. I have even noticed that music can calm her down when she is upset. Thanks to my sister in law Sara who gave us a really cool nursery music CD I am able to get her to calm down before handing her off to Christopher.

I can not believe that I am this little girls mom. I still have a hard time with that word.... MOM... its like wow am I really someones mom. I am responsible for this little person, and this little person trusts me to show her what is right and what is wrong. If I miss teaching her just one little thing she could be messed up for life. That would be so hard to deal with knowing that it would be my fault that I did not teach her everything that she needed to know. I know that even if you do teach your kid everything that they could still end up messed up, but I think that as the child's parent you have a tenancy to feel like its your fault. Ok enough of that I am not going to let my child get messed up. I am going to raise her right to the best of my abilities and know that everything will turn out as it should.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's a .......

When they got me into the Operating Room I was still a bit upset about the C-Section. I had calmed down a little when Christopher sat down next to my head. My attention turned more towards how he was going to be than the fact that they were going to cut me open in just a few minutes. Christopher has never been good with needles or blood I really did not know how he was going to react if he somehow saw the baby coming out of my stomach. We started talking out what to do if Christopher passed out. Considering that he had a hard enough time when they gave him a shot so that they could do his MRI. For some reason that got my mind off what was going on and I think that I had finally come to terms with the C-Section and actually started to get excited knowing that soon I was going to find out if we had a daughter or a son.

We sat there for what seemed like an eternity and I could hear the doctors talking and putting their gloves on. I looked over at Christopher and he said "I think they are in". I said "No I think they are still prepping". We sat there for another... I do not know how long and it was really quite. I do not remember hearing anything and I was wondering what was going on. Then I heard someone say "would you like to see your daughter?" and they showed the baby to us but all I could see was the head because Christopher was in the way. I did not even know they had taken the baby out I was still under the impression that they were still prepping. I looked at Christopher and said "What did they say?" and he looked at me and said "Its a Girl". I shook my head and said "No really what did they say?" He smiled and said "Hunny it's a GIRL!" I was in shock I could not believe it. I was so sure we were having a boy. I knew it was a boy it was my mothers intuition. Guess I can not lean on that anymore. At that point it finally hit me. I started smiling and I could not stop. They cleaned her up and handed her to Christopher and for the first time since we were teenagers I saw Christopher cry. It was not a huge crying fit, but just a few a few happy tears at the sight of his daughter. He showed her to me and all I remember saying is "Our little Kadence". For a while we just sat there (well I laid there) and stared at our new little daughter, and not a moment later she had put her little tiny thumb in her mouth and was sucking on it. Well there was no doubt at that point that she was my daughter. Like mother like daughter.

It all came back to me suddenly. I was laying on a table and the doctors were getting everything closed up and situated and I started to get a little impatient. I could feel something but I do not know what it was. It was something that was very uncomfortable and I remember thinking I wish they would hurry up and get done so I could go back to the room and get some rest. They worked for what seemed like another eternity and then they were finally done and they moved me back to the bed and placed my daughter in my arms and allowed me to carry her as they wheeled me back to the labor and delivery room #3. As we got to the door I heard my mom asking Christopher what the baby was. If you know my husband this will come as no show to you but he said "it's a baby". My mom said yes we know but what was it and again he said "it's a baby". I assume my mom gave him a mean look since his next statement was "you'll have to ask your daughter." When I got situated in the room my family came in my mom first of course and she said "Well?" and I said "Look mom she is sucking her thumb". My mom said "Ya and..." and I looked at her and said "Mom SHE is sucking her thumb" at that point my mom got it and said "Wait did you say SHE?" and I said "Yes I did". My mom was so excited and then when my dad came in she told him about his granddaughter.

I think it came as a shock to all of us since she was now the first granddaughter on both Christopher's side and my side. At this point it was like 1:30AM and Christopher was on his phone calling his mom. I told him not to call her since she had to get up at 5AM to go to work and I did not want her to be tired, but he said that she would kill him if he did not call. So he called his mom and said "Are you ready to go broke?" remember the comment she had made much earlier in the pregnancy. I could not hear much from where I was on the bed but I knew when she had gone in and told Ashlee because I could hear her screaming all the way through the phone and into the room. For the next couple of hours while we just chilled in the room. Christopher was texting people and I was telling him to stop since it was quite early in the morning. Finally around 3:30 in the morning they had us grab all our stuff and Kadence got to take her first ride in an elevator as they took us up to our room that would be our home for the next 4 days. (Room 228) I think it was about 4AM when both Christopher and I finally went to sleep.


So the time had finally arrived. We were going to have a baby. I was so excited that I woke up around 6AM and could not go back to sleep. Maybe we should have gone for the 5AM induction. No I do not think Christopher would have liked that idea. As I laid in my bed I tried to think of what life was going to be like once we had our little baby. Everyone always says you'll understand when you have your own kids, and your kids will be just like you so be ready. I was not sure how ready I was going to be but as the clock crept closer to 7:00AM time to get up I got more and more excited. I decided to get up and get ready a little before that though. Bad idea considering now all I could do was sit around the house and wait for Christopher to get ready. (Which takes quite sometime I have come to learn) We arrived at the hospital on April 23rd 2009 our usual 5-10 minutes late but since we were the first ones on the list they said it was ok. We were taken into labor room #3 and once we got all settled in the nurse came in and told me all the things that were going to happen. It takes a lot to have a baby. They hooked me up to the monitors so they could listen to the babies heartbeat which at this point was around 135 bpm. They also told me about the IV, which I was already nervous of since I really do not like needles. I thought about how many times they had to draw my blood just to get pregnant and I figured that I would be ok. Which I was at first. It was not to bad a poke and then a sting, but then it was as if the they had turned up the thermostat to like 200 degrees. I got really hot and started to feel sick. Dr. Mark Curtis who was there with us got a rag of clod water and placed it on my throat which did not help at all since I have one of the worst gag reflexes in the world. Christopher came over and put it on my head which made me feel a lot better. I am surprised that he was ok staying in there since he is worse than me with needles. I think he has passed out a time or two due to needles.

The doctor checked me first thing and I was only about 1 centimeter dialated. They started the Oxytocin which is suppose to get labor going and they also started an antibiotic for my group B strep. That was odd since it made my hand cold when it went in through the IV. Everytime they changed the IV fluid, Oxytocin, or antibiotic it made my hand go cold and numb. For the next couple of hours it was just a waiting game. I started to feel the contractions and it was crazy. I knew that they would hurt but I wasnt expecting them to come so fast and so close together. I only had contractions for about an hour when the doctor came to check me again and said that I was 4 centimeters dialted and that I was ok to have the epidural. I was a little nervous about the epidural. Again with the needles why does it always have to be needles. The epidural was a little odd it was a feeling like when you hit your funny bone and it tingles for a while, but imagine that feeling all the way down your legs. For the next 12 hours we laid on the right side and then the left side and back to the right side. I guess the baby did not like it when I laid on my left side because the heartrate would go down everytime. They said that the epidural works with gravity so that would explin why my right side was more numb than my left. Around 7PM I started feeling contractions again. I guess they had turned off the Oxytocin due to the babies heartrate going down. I had contractions for another hour and they have to give me the max dose of medine that they could give me (before redoing the epidural which I was definatly aginst) before the contraction pain subsided.

It took until 11:15PM for me to reach 10 centimeters. (fully dialated) Dr Mark Curtis had already gone home for the night so the practicing doctor there was Dr. Anders. She is cool I had met her in the office a few times before. She came in and had me push a total of 2 times then she said that she was worried about the babies heartrate which was dropping with every push. She had me push one more time while she watched the monitor. I was getting nervous since I did not know what was going to happen. All I wanted was to have my baby on April 23rd, 2009. Why? Because I am odd and find things in numbers that others do not like the date of birth 04/23/09 would be 4+2+3=9. However it wasnt looking like the baby was going to come with in the last 30 minutes of that day. After what seemed like forever Dr. Anders looked at me and said that we would have to do a C-Section. I am not going to lie I started crying. She told me that if we kept pushing it was going to be like 2 hours before the baby came out and she didnt think that the babies heart would make it through that. I was so scared at this point. I had never had surgery before. I had never had stitches or anything like that. Plus I had heard some stories of people not being completly numb and feeling the surgery. I was really scared and I do not think that Christopher was to excited either.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost Time

So the day is almost here. We ended up setting up a non stress test for Wednesday April 22nd, 2009. Christopher came and got me from work at noon where we had just finished having Cafe Rio Mexican Food because we reached some goal. (I am really not sure which one, but hey free food is good food) Our test was scheduled at 1:30 and we had arrived a little early so we sat in the waiting room. We did not talk to much because I think we were both a little nervous. The doctor had said that as long as the stress test came out ok we would start the induction the next morning. It was not a very long test only about 20 minutes. They put this heart monitor thing on my stomach and all I had to do was lay there and let them monitor the heartbeat. It was interesting to sit there and watch the screen. Occasionally it would pick up my heartbeat and the line would drop way down. That was a little scary since we did not know that it was mine until we asked after the test. The doctor was really nice she even gave me a small thing of cranberry juice. They say that it can sometimes get the baby moving. I told her that I had just had spicy Mexican food so I would think that the baby would have been moving a lot. They also did another ultrasound to check the fluid around the baby. Which was at a 12 and the doctor said that anything above a 9 is good. So I guess we were in pretty good shape. The doctor said that the baby passed the stress test and we were good to go for the induction the next morning.

After the test we went home and we waited for the hospital to call and tell us what time we needed to come in for the induction. They had told me prior to this that if someone came in who was already in labor that they would get priority and I would have to wait for an open room. Unless I went into labor on my own before the rooms opened up. We were out at our friend Clayton's shop around 9PM when they finally called. (The said between 5PM and 8PM, I do not know maybe they got busy) The day of my doctors appointment when we set up the induction I was told that I was the 3rd person on the list for that day. Well when they called me they said that the other 2 mothers decided to go and be induced today instead of tomorrow so now I was number 1 on the list. I was like what does that mean? The nurse asked if I wanted to come in at 5AM and be induced. I almost started laughing. Christopher and I had talked a little bit about this earlier in the day and he made the comment about not wanting to get up early the next morning. I told her that we might want to do it a little later and she said how is 8AM? I think that was as close to sleeping in as we were going to get so I said lets do it. I told Christopher about the call and even though he was happy that I did not take the 5AM appointment he still did not think that 8AM would let him sleep in enough. I told him that I did not think I was going to get that much sleep anyway so I did not see any reason to prolong it.

Once we got home we talked for a while I told Christopher that I swear that the lady had said "He" when she was doing the ultrasound to check the fluid level. I told him that for the last week I had a feeling that we were going to have a boy. I was like 99% sure we were having a boy I told Christopher to get ready to meet your son. They say that the mothers intuition is almost always right. So I guess we are looking at having a boy but we wont know until tomorrow. Getting to sleep was going to be a chore since my mind was racing. I can not believe that I am going to meet my son or daughter with in a matter of hours. (Depending on labor of course) I am so excited to become a mother, but at the same time I am worried about how it is all going to be. Not just the labor but being a parent and having to make sure the baby is taken care. There is now going to be more than just me and Christopher to worry about. No more late night trips for food since the baby will be sleeping and we wont want to wake him/her up just to go out. Plus who knows how money is going to be since we are going to have to rearrange our schedules to fit watching a baby. Will I get to see my husband as much as I would like to. How am I going to handle going back to work after having 6-8 weeks off. It seems there are so many questions and no time to answer them all. I guess we shall just wait and see.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last Doctors Visit

Well its been a while since I have updated this blog, but nothing much has really happened. I managed to lose 13 pounds during the first 3 months of my pregnancy due to being really sick all the time. To this point I have gained 12.5 of those pounds back. Looks like I am going to weigh the same when I deliver as I did when I got pregnant. Which is a good thing and a bad thing I guess. Hopefully I can lose some weight after I have the baby. Monthly doctors visits were great and everything was going well. Nothing really much to report from those visits. It was cool to hear the heartbeat each time. Mostly it was around 140-145 bpm. Which everyone says means a boy, but I have heard so many tales in the last 9 months where you can tell the sex if you put your wedding ring on a string and hang it over your wrist and if it spins one way its a girl and if it spins the other way its a boy, or you can do the same thing with a pencil on a string. Another one is if you are sick a lot its the same sex as you, but I dont know I think we will just wait until the baby comes and see what it is then. It is fun to have people guessing though and driving everyone crazy since we do not know.

In mid February we bought a house and moved into it. I really didnt have to move much of the stuff since I was under doctors orders not to lift more than 20 pounds. Its a nice house with 4 bedrooms 1 full bath and 2 3/4 baths. It has a huge master bedroom with a huge walk in closet. A large back yard and a doggie door already built in. It also has a 2 car garage. I cant believe that we finally found the perfect house. It was like I walked in and it just hit me that I was suppose to live here. My brother was moving in as well. He is renting the basement room from us and I guess he likes it here. He hasnt really said anything to me otherwise. The new ward here is really cool it is actually in our realtors stake so we still get to see her every now and then. Which is cool because she has become like another mother to me and Christopher.

I had a Baby Shower back in March that was thrown for me by the Relief Society in my new ward. It was amazing. I hadnt been in the ward for more than 3 weeks and the bishops wife came up to me and asked if they could throw me a baby shower. Who could say no to that? It was a really nice shower at the Relief Society Presidents house and everyone brought gifts that could be for a boy or a girl. Not really to much clothes, but I got things like a baby bath tub with washing stuff, lots of blankets, books, diapers, wipes, bibs and some of the things that I had put on my baby registry. My mom came with me and one thing that I remember is that my mom kept saying that she couldnt believe that people who didnt even know me that well were so kind to throw such a nice shower for me. It was true when introducing themselves at my shower they would tell me where in the ward they lived and who they were. I was also amazed at the wonderful service they had provided for someone who had just moved into the ward. Another thing that I remember was one gift that I was given. It was from Sister Merchant who I later found out was our Sunday School Teacher. It was a cute little Pink overall outfit with Winnie the Pooh on it. I looked around but she was one who had stopped by with a gift but couldnt stay. The Relief Society President said Sister Merchant had called her earlier that day and asked if we knew what we were having and she had told her No we didnt. I laughed and said maybe she knows something that we all do not, and everyone laughed. I wasnt sure what I was going to do with the outfit if I had a boy but I guess we would cross that bridge when we came to it.

So my due date was April 15th, 2009 and that day came and went with no signs of labor. None what so ever. Everyone at work was like "What are you still doing here?" and "Wow you are carrying really high, are you sure your June 8th, 2009 due date was wrong?" One of them even tried to convince me to have the doctor write me out of work so I could just chill at home and wait for little Baby Fry to come. That is what we nick named the baby: "Baby Fry". Christopher came up with this name because everytime he asked me what I was craving I said French Fries. It didnt matter where the French Fries were from as long as they didnt have any seasoning salt on them. Plain salt was fine, but the seasoning salt made me sick. Another thing that had made me sick over the last 9 months is breading. Anything breaded like Chicken Nuggets, Mozerella Sticks, Onion Rings makes me so sick. Luckly thoes are the only things that do. I also craved Root Beer and the Light Blue PowerAid: Mountain Berry or something like that. So my last doctors appointment was today and the doctor along with Christopher and I have decided that we want to get enduced. The baby was still really high and it was just time for the baby to come. We had to set an appointment for a non stress test to make sure the baby was going to be ok during the labor process which is set for Wednesday April 22nd, 2009 and we are scheduled to be enduced on Thursday April 23rd, 2009. I dont know how long it will take for the baby to come once we are enduced but I can not wait to meet little "Baby Fry".