So "Baby Fry" is now 7 months old and she has had a few firsts this last month. First was her first Halloween. As you can see from the pictures she had 2 costumes. The Share Bear Care Bear outfit she got from my friend at one of my baby showers. It looked so big when I got it that I assumed that she wouldn't be able to wear it until next year Halloween so I put it in the closet and in the mean time I was looking for a Halloween costume that she could wear this year. I found this cute Giraffe outfit one day while I was shopping. I don't know what it is but "Baby Fry" has a thing for Giraffe's. She just loves them. So I ended up buying the outfit and planning for her to wear it come Halloween. Well when I got home and was putting the Giraffe costume in her closet I looked at the Care Bear one which now did not look so big and come to find out it was just the right size for this Halloween. So now I had 2 costumes and 1 day to wear them. It worked out ok though. She ended up wearing the Care Bear costume to the ward Trunk or Treat party, and then wore the Giraffe costume on Halloween night. It was our first Halloween in our new house and I wasn't sure how many people were going to come by so I got some extra candy just in case. I am glad that I did. I think I went through two bags of candy when they kids came to the door. I took "Baby Fry" with me and everyone loved her cute Giraffe outfit. They were all talking to me about it the next day in church it was such a good time.
Second was "Baby Fry" got her first 2 teeth. Her first one came in on Oct 30th, 2009 and the second one came in on Nov 2nd 2009. After a very long night of screaming and crying and walking with the baby and trying to get her to sleep we realized what was going on. We bought some baby orajel and that didn't work to well. They make it Cherry flavored so she just licked it off and then it did not work to help ease her pain when the tooth was coming through. She now has the two middle teeth on the bottom and she loves to stick her tongue on them and feel them. The sad thing is that she has bit her lip quite a few times now since she doesn't know what to do with her teeth. I try to help her out, but she does it when I am not looking. Well I guess she will learn from it.
We are looking forward to "Baby Fry's" first Thanksgiving tomorrow. There are some of my cousins that have not even seen her yet and she is getting so big they need to see her. I am excited to spend some time with my family. I just wish my sister Courtney, hubby Anthony and Nephew Lance could be here. It just wont be the same with out them. Well maybe I will get to see them some time soon. "Baby Fry" can not wait to see them either.
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