Baby Fry is now 10 months old. I can not believe how quickly time has gone by. Only 2 more months and she will be a 1 year old. Ack I don't even want to think about that yet. Baby Fry is now 20lbs 5oz and is 29 1/4 inches tall. She only gained 1/4 of an inch since her 9 month birthday so maybe she is starting to even out on her height. She is right where she should be for weight so I guess we are doing something right. The doctor said that we can start giving her some milk mixed with her formula with the intent that by her first birthday she will be off her formula all together. Not really looking forward to that only because its kind of like she is no longer a baby. Only babies drink formula big girls drink milk and other things and use sippy cups instead of bottles. Which is another thing I am not ready to give up. She has a few sippy cups and the one is just where she tips it up and bites the spout and can get the drink out that way. She knows how to do it but for some reason it all seems to end up all over her and her outfit. We decided to go and get one that had a straw knowing that usually they are older than 10 months before they can use that kind of sippy cup, but it didn't take long for Baby Fry to figure out how to use the straw and now she is drinking like a big girl.
Baby Fry is stating to expand her vocabulary. She can now say Mama, Dada, Fish, and part of her name. She usually Just says K... K.... but hey that is a good start to me. She loves to laugh and laugh and laugh at everything. I think her new favorite is when anyone sneezes. She thinks that is just the funnest thing in the entire world. She has a few ticklish spots and loves to giggle when you find them. She has got a little attitude though. When she wants something or dosnt want you to put her in her bed or walker or her play pen she will let you know. She has got a cry that can melt your heart so quickly that I find myself to easily giving in to things that she wants. Ive got to work on this. She has started doing the back bend thing I guess in hopes that she can get her way.
Lets see other milestones that we have come to this month. Baby Fry is now a Master of her Walker. She can turn that thing on a dime and maneuver it in t any little tiny spot that she wants to get into. She loves to get into the kitchen and pull open the drawers and pull things out. Right now her favorite is the Tupperware cabinet and the lowest drawer containing the potato masher, and the plastic measuring cups. Now I just have to teach her how to put them all back in the drawer when she is done playing. We now have a total of 5 teeth. Two on the top in the middle. Two on the bottom in the middle and one on the right side of the middle two on the bottom. She is handling teething quite well. At least during the day when she has other things to occupy her mind. However she has had a few nights when she has not gotten such good sleep and just for the record Baby Orajel doesn't always work. Baby Fry just likes to lick it off and then she is all upset again. I have a few other ideas to try so I might be looking into them soon. I can see that the left bottom and the 2 top on each side of the middle should be coming in soon. Boy this is going to be a fun time.
Baby Fry had her first Valentines Day this month. She got a cute little Valentine from a cute little girl that I teach in Primary at Church. It was so cute it had a doggie on it that Baby Fry loved to point at it and giggle. It also came with a Blow Pop Sucker which sadly Baby Fry could not have so I guess that I have to eat it. That is the problem with candy if I don't want the baby to eat it then I have to I cant just let it sit around. Well I probably could but that is just to hard. As you can see I got her a Baby's First Valentines Day onsie. It is so cute and its funny when you ask Baby Fry where the hearts are she can point every one of them out to you. She is learning so fast. I can not wait to see how she does in school. She is going to be a smart little girl as well as a social little girl I can see it now. Well I guess that is all for this month, but I will update more at 11 months. ACK closer to 1 I gotta go.
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